DARRAN Central Park

DARRAN Central Park

DARRAN Central Park Wood Office Furniture

  • Is elegant contemporary office furniture designed for today's multi-tasking functions.
  • Contemporary design features, clean lines and striking finishes.
  • Plus, DARRAN Central Park ships in 10 business days!
  • Review all the different options below. You can order separately or we can prepare a CAD drawing for your review before purchasing.
  • Is your company or organization Going Green? You can earn from 4 to 8 LEED credits by purchasing DARRAN Central Park Office Furniture. Go here to review the DARRAN LEED credit summary.
  • DARRAN products contain in excess of 8% pre-consumer recycled content by weight. DARRAN continually researches and develops ways to make their products environmentally friendly and healthy. DARRAN uses a state of the art finishing material on all of their products. The Rel-Viron finish, using an oven fully cures the product at the time of manufacturing, so there is minimal off-gassing once received at your office. Rel-Viron is also fire retardant; VOC’s retardant, and resistant to chemicals.
  • DARRAN office furniture products also incorporate an anti-microbial additive that restricts the growth of bacteria and fungus on office furniture. Good to know with more cases of Swine Flu being reported.
  • Plus DARRAN Central Park ships in 10 business days.
  • QUESTIONS OR NEED A QUOTE? Phone home free to 1-877-550-2678 or E-mail Questions.

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